Monday 19 July 2010

Days Nine and Ten

We have been adjusting to the altitude, Cusco being 3300 metres above sea level. Along with a couple of tablets, and lots of water to drink, we have been just taking it easy, allowing our bodies to adjust to surviving on less oxygen. It's interesting to be living in conditions that I have been learning about in biology this year at school.

Yesterday we visited the Williamson's church which meets at 4.30 in the afternoon. This allows a time for relaxation and setting up of the church, in the morning (or for me: games of hide and seek, shell searching, spies, football, restaurants and sleeping lions with Jessica and Samuel Williamson).

The church service was all in Spanish, meaning that I understood very little of it, apart from the posters that had been made to emphasise key points. I recognised many of the tunes of the songs from their English cousins.

The church is currently moving around the corner to a new building, so today we were helping to prepare the new church building for it's first service this coming Sunday. The walls have already been painted, but there is still a lot to do before Sunday.


  1. Good to see you are working hard helping with the new church.
    What are the bugs like? Has anyone been bitten or stung by anything? Is it too cold for the bugs to be active?
    Sleeping lions is a great game for kids!

  2. Glad to see you helping in the church building. Don't run out of breath! We'll be thinking of the first service in the new church on Sunday. Will Dad be saying anything in Spanish?!
    Love to you all. N.& G.

  3. You must be really busy - or you have no access to the internet.
    Hope you have had a great week so far. It has stopped raining here - hurrah!

  4. There were mossies at Machu Picchu but I escaped them all.
    Sleeping Lions is not so great when you're such a good lion that Jess and Sam decide to wake you up by pouring a glass of water over your head.

    Dad is preaching on Sunday, but he will be translated into Spanish for the church.
